Here's a quick campaign for all you monster haters! After being absent for a long while, I'm back on the heavy warhorse's saddle.
Rules System Used: D&D 3.5 or D&D 4th Ed.
Books and Materials Needed: Core Rule Books (either 3.5 or 4th) (book), dice set (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), pencil, paper, a dungeon master’s screen
Suggested Extras: Complete Warrior (if playing 3.5) (book), miniatures
Timeline: Middle-ages
Location: Fantasy Europe
Number of Players Suggested: 3 - 5 (This campaign works best in an average sized group.)
The idea is that all of the PCs are a team of freelance monster hunters. The adventures they go on are all to hunt/exterminate/capture a specific monster or monsters. This campaign works best with heavy magic and being generous with magic items. Any races would work for this as well. It is important though that the players make sure that they have a balanced group ready to take on all situations and threats. I am currently running this with D&D 3.5, and in our party we have a human fighter, a human ranger (focusing on ranged), a human paladin, and a grey elven wizard.
As an idea for a first adventure you could have your monster hunting party approached by a wizard that lives near the town that the party is starting in. The wizard needs white dragon scales to complete a ritual / magic item he is working on. He's willing to pay the PCs 1000gp each if they return with a white dragon. The wizard should know of the location of a baby white dragon and give the PCs a map depicting the location. Oh, and of course, the PCs are welcome to keep whatever loot they find during their travels.
The route should take the PCs through a forest where they can encounter all sorts of things, such as goblins, wolves, etc. Arriving at a castle where the dragon is said to be kept in the dungeon, the PCs find that the lord is not as friendly as they thought he would be and have to run for their lives; barricading themselves in the dungeon. Fighting their way through the dungeon the PCs can encounter all sorts of baddies like: orcs, werewolves, undead, elementals, whatever. They finally find the white dragon... but he's not a baby. He's a young adult! The PCs have to fight the white dragon to leave via the white dragon's hidden exit.
That was my opening adventure for this campaign in a nutshell. It was played over many sessions and took the party from level 1 all the way to level 6.
Enjoy! :)
Jun 2, 2010
Oct 16, 2009
Evil Rant *Ominous Music*
Who likes evil, raise their hand... *most people raise their hand*... *goodie-two-shoes look nervous*. Most people have a want to play an evil character in an RPG. Why is this? Because RPGs are an escape from reality! They're not real! People can pretend for a moment without the fear of actually doing 15 to life.
My beef is with the 90% of these people that don't seem to understand what evil is. Let them play an evil character and what happens? Psychotic random murderous rampage of blood orgies while laughing the entire time (maniacally)! This is even the result no matter the evil alignment choice. I can almost understand this action if they're Chaotic Evil. Evil = bad, Chaos = random. But back the truck up suckah! Chaotic Evil means in a nutshell that you do not like laws or being constrained by them, you believe in yourself first and foremost, and you don't have an accurate (according to those previously mentioned "goodie-two-shoes"... and hey, why do bad guys have to have only one shoe anyways???) moral compass. This does not mean you are a psychopathic fucking nut-ball murderous fiend from Hell!
Let's flip the evil-coin here for a minute. Lawful Evil. This is often misunderstood (especially by the new comer). The "Lawful" in Lawful Evil does not mean you have to obey the laws while having a devil on your shoulder talking to you. It means you believe that there should be a set of rules, laws, or a code that people should have to follow (although in this case they're usually of the evil variety). You usually desire to be on the top of this hierarchy so you can reap the full benefits of this order. You aspire to world domination; and all other manner of this kind of wonderful stuff. On a further Lawful note (and digressing slightly from Evil for a second), you can play a Lawful Good character that does not follow society's laws. "What???" you say? Think of Batman for example. He does not follow society's laws in the slightest; but he has his own set of very strict values and codes that he imposes on everyone around him.
OK, time to act evil! Get out there and stomp on some lesser folk to get ahead!... wait... *pushes the reverse button*... You don't have to act outwardly evil! You can even act good! I know I'm blowing some people's minds, but read ahead please. If you yourself are Chaotic Evil, and you are at work, working close with a group of people that are of the Lawful Good variety; would you constantly be pissing in their coffee, putting tacks on their chairs, or all out physically attacking them? No, you wouldn't. You'd be trying to at least somewhat emulate their Lawful Good behavior so that your Evil nature goes unnoticed. Especially if you have the penalty of being fired looming over your head. Let's apply this situation to D&D for a second. Say you're playing a Chaotic Evil Rogue. You are in a group with a Lawful Good Cleric, a Neutral Good Fighter, and a Chaotic Good Barbarian. You are traveling through a land where there are many local watchmen patrolling around, a strong grasp of power secured by the local Lawful Neutral King, and a penalty for theft of chopping off the offending hand. Would you given the chance, try to pick the pockets of the local merchant, rape and murder a helpless damsel left alone with you for you to protect, try to save a group of goblins that are attacked by your party? No, you wouldn't. You would be grinning showing your pearly-whites, acting all nice and proper but hating every minute of it and just waiting for your time to release some pent up evil energy.
Let's turn our attention to the DM/GM for a second. Yes, I'm looking at you! Why is it SO hard for some DMs or GMs to run a campaign with one or two (or even an entire party) Evil characters in it? If your players are playing their evil characters properly (see above), then there should be no problems; in fact, it should add to the campaign, making it more rich in flavor and making your job easier by adding awesome twists and turns and plot hooks! If they are playing them like the psychopathic killer on acid filled with rabies, then guess what... they'll soon die or be in jail. Problem solved. And to all you people who legitimately want to play the crazy shit brained murderous psycho and role play it properly: cool! Just know this, unless the campaign is designed to entertain such characters, one of two results will be the case. 1) You will die or spend the rest of your days rotting in the depths of the King's dungeon. 2) Your DM or GM can't handle characters like yours (DMs/GMs, see my previous rant about killing off problem characters as a solution) and you will take over their campaign. Bonus for you!
My beef is with the 90% of these people that don't seem to understand what evil is. Let them play an evil character and what happens? Psychotic random murderous rampage of blood orgies while laughing the entire time (maniacally)! This is even the result no matter the evil alignment choice. I can almost understand this action if they're Chaotic Evil. Evil = bad, Chaos = random. But back the truck up suckah! Chaotic Evil means in a nutshell that you do not like laws or being constrained by them, you believe in yourself first and foremost, and you don't have an accurate (according to those previously mentioned "goodie-two-shoes"... and hey, why do bad guys have to have only one shoe anyways???) moral compass. This does not mean you are a psychopathic fucking nut-ball murderous fiend from Hell!
Let's flip the evil-coin here for a minute. Lawful Evil. This is often misunderstood (especially by the new comer). The "Lawful" in Lawful Evil does not mean you have to obey the laws while having a devil on your shoulder talking to you. It means you believe that there should be a set of rules, laws, or a code that people should have to follow (although in this case they're usually of the evil variety). You usually desire to be on the top of this hierarchy so you can reap the full benefits of this order. You aspire to world domination; and all other manner of this kind of wonderful stuff. On a further Lawful note (and digressing slightly from Evil for a second), you can play a Lawful Good character that does not follow society's laws. "What???" you say? Think of Batman for example. He does not follow society's laws in the slightest; but he has his own set of very strict values and codes that he imposes on everyone around him.
OK, time to act evil! Get out there and stomp on some lesser folk to get ahead!... wait... *pushes the reverse button*... You don't have to act outwardly evil! You can even act good! I know I'm blowing some people's minds, but read ahead please. If you yourself are Chaotic Evil, and you are at work, working close with a group of people that are of the Lawful Good variety; would you constantly be pissing in their coffee, putting tacks on their chairs, or all out physically attacking them? No, you wouldn't. You'd be trying to at least somewhat emulate their Lawful Good behavior so that your Evil nature goes unnoticed. Especially if you have the penalty of being fired looming over your head. Let's apply this situation to D&D for a second. Say you're playing a Chaotic Evil Rogue. You are in a group with a Lawful Good Cleric, a Neutral Good Fighter, and a Chaotic Good Barbarian. You are traveling through a land where there are many local watchmen patrolling around, a strong grasp of power secured by the local Lawful Neutral King, and a penalty for theft of chopping off the offending hand. Would you given the chance, try to pick the pockets of the local merchant, rape and murder a helpless damsel left alone with you for you to protect, try to save a group of goblins that are attacked by your party? No, you wouldn't. You would be grinning showing your pearly-whites, acting all nice and proper but hating every minute of it and just waiting for your time to release some pent up evil energy.
Let's turn our attention to the DM/GM for a second. Yes, I'm looking at you! Why is it SO hard for some DMs or GMs to run a campaign with one or two (or even an entire party) Evil characters in it? If your players are playing their evil characters properly (see above), then there should be no problems; in fact, it should add to the campaign, making it more rich in flavor and making your job easier by adding awesome twists and turns and plot hooks! If they are playing them like the psychopathic killer on acid filled with rabies, then guess what... they'll soon die or be in jail. Problem solved. And to all you people who legitimately want to play the crazy shit brained murderous psycho and role play it properly: cool! Just know this, unless the campaign is designed to entertain such characters, one of two results will be the case. 1) You will die or spend the rest of your days rotting in the depths of the King's dungeon. 2) Your DM or GM can't handle characters like yours (DMs/GMs, see my previous rant about killing off problem characters as a solution) and you will take over their campaign. Bonus for you!
Oct 13, 2009
Pirates of the Darkest Future
Rules System Used: d20 Modern
Books and Materials Needed: d20 Modern Roleplaying Game (book), d20 Apocalypse (book), d20 Future (book), dice set (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), pencil, paper, a game master’s screen
Suggested Extras: d20 Future Tech (book), miniatures
Timeline: Future Sci-Fi
Location: Surrounding the Great Lakes
Number of Players Suggested: 4 - 8 (You want at least 4 people for this campaign and it can handle more.)
Rules Modifications: No modifications on the rules. Radiation and mutation rules from the d20 Apocalypse book are in full effect though.
Limitations on Characters: All player characters start in whatever class they see fit. Use all rules for character creation that are appropriate in the d20 Apocalypse book. Characters cannot select any high tech items from d20 Future or d20 Future Tech in character creation. The characters are free to select from the d20 Modern rule book or the d20 Apocalypse book though. High tech and advanced sci-fi weapons, armour and gear are treated as a form of "magic items" in this campaign. The characters are playing members of a pirate gang that are trying to survive and get one up on the competition. The players should be urged to take survival type skills and abilities where possible as it would be hard to get by without these. The players could either play good pirates with a Robin Hood style, neutral pirates like Jack Sparrow, or evil pirates who love to rape and pillage to excess.
Monsters and Magic: There aren't many monsters in this campaign, and there's no magic; well, technology is almost looked at as a form of magic because of it's rarity, thus making a prestige class like "Techie" looked at like a wizard of sorts. The only monsters should be things like mutants, plague ridden people (or plague zombies), and creatures created from radiation.
Style of Campaign: This campaign is all about the struggle to survive. There will also most likely be a large element of close combat just due to the fact that ranged weapons can either be hard to find, hard to maintain, or hard to get ammo for. The entire known world has been subject to a multitude of nuclear and biological attacks; resulting in radiation over most of the world, gigantic craters, biological hazards, toxic waste lakes, mutation running rampant, and whole new ecosystems being discovered or created. The bartering rules from the d20 Apocalypse book should be used. The world that the PCs are in (future Earth) previously had an extremely high tech rating. But thanks to massive International war, almost all of the advanced technology is in a derelict state or completely destroyed. To make matters worse, almost everyone that could repair or manufacture said technologies were either assassinated, or killed from the blasts or disease. This has resulted in high tech (like laser rifles, power armour, high frequency swords, etc.) being rewarded to the PCs much like magic items in D&D. There are even cults in the world that have been created recently that worship advanced technology much like a deity. These cults are extremely fanatical. I would run this campaign as the PCs playing the crew serving under a more powerful Captain (which explains why they have a water borne vessel); however, one of the PCs could be Captain if you wish, or they could run some sort of equal pirate commune if desired. In case of the latter; the PCs should be gifted a ship or boat, but it'll be much harder for them to get by as they will have to repair it and what not (all of that could be handled out of game by the Captain doing that as the PCs are out away from him searching for booty or fighting with rival gangs).

Introduction: You are on Earth. A world that is struggling with the aftermath of nuclear bombs, biological warfare, mutation, spreading disease, and starvation. This is a situation of International magnitude. New ecosystems are constantly being discovered; either a result of toxic waste, biological mutation, or discovered from the gigantic craters now pocking the surface from the multitude of nuclear warheads that assaulted the known world. Earth once had a vast supply of advanced technology. Mankind was even going to colonize other planets that were in entirely different galaxies. That is what started the war. The war known as the WWPD. World Wide Planetary Destruction. Now not much remains of our advanced technology. Nor the people who can maintain, never mind create such marvels. Earth is in a sort of dark age. This dark age has many threats. There are hostile mutants, starvation, radiation sickness, toxic sludge pools the size of lakes, bandits, disease-ridden people spreading plagues, and fanatical cults that have risen around the rarity of advanced technology. These cults revere the various technologies as deities. They hoard advanced technologies and are very aggressive in acquiring said technologies.
What do you think is the best way to survive? Try to help the diseased multitude? Find a far off land and barricade yourself in? Join a tech-cult?
Arrrr!!! It's a pirate's life for all you scurvy dogs! Sail the Great Lakes, pillage what you need, and fight off your competition!
Books and Materials Needed: d20 Modern Roleplaying Game (book), d20 Apocalypse (book), d20 Future (book), dice set (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), pencil, paper, a game master’s screen
Suggested Extras: d20 Future Tech (book), miniatures
Timeline: Future Sci-Fi
Location: Surrounding the Great Lakes
Number of Players Suggested: 4 - 8 (You want at least 4 people for this campaign and it can handle more.)
Rules Modifications: No modifications on the rules. Radiation and mutation rules from the d20 Apocalypse book are in full effect though.
Limitations on Characters: All player characters start in whatever class they see fit. Use all rules for character creation that are appropriate in the d20 Apocalypse book. Characters cannot select any high tech items from d20 Future or d20 Future Tech in character creation. The characters are free to select from the d20 Modern rule book or the d20 Apocalypse book though. High tech and advanced sci-fi weapons, armour and gear are treated as a form of "magic items" in this campaign. The characters are playing members of a pirate gang that are trying to survive and get one up on the competition. The players should be urged to take survival type skills and abilities where possible as it would be hard to get by without these. The players could either play good pirates with a Robin Hood style, neutral pirates like Jack Sparrow, or evil pirates who love to rape and pillage to excess.
Monsters and Magic: There aren't many monsters in this campaign, and there's no magic; well, technology is almost looked at as a form of magic because of it's rarity, thus making a prestige class like "Techie" looked at like a wizard of sorts. The only monsters should be things like mutants, plague ridden people (or plague zombies), and creatures created from radiation.
Style of Campaign: This campaign is all about the struggle to survive. There will also most likely be a large element of close combat just due to the fact that ranged weapons can either be hard to find, hard to maintain, or hard to get ammo for. The entire known world has been subject to a multitude of nuclear and biological attacks; resulting in radiation over most of the world, gigantic craters, biological hazards, toxic waste lakes, mutation running rampant, and whole new ecosystems being discovered or created. The bartering rules from the d20 Apocalypse book should be used. The world that the PCs are in (future Earth) previously had an extremely high tech rating. But thanks to massive International war, almost all of the advanced technology is in a derelict state or completely destroyed. To make matters worse, almost everyone that could repair or manufacture said technologies were either assassinated, or killed from the blasts or disease. This has resulted in high tech (like laser rifles, power armour, high frequency swords, etc.) being rewarded to the PCs much like magic items in D&D. There are even cults in the world that have been created recently that worship advanced technology much like a deity. These cults are extremely fanatical. I would run this campaign as the PCs playing the crew serving under a more powerful Captain (which explains why they have a water borne vessel); however, one of the PCs could be Captain if you wish, or they could run some sort of equal pirate commune if desired. In case of the latter; the PCs should be gifted a ship or boat, but it'll be much harder for them to get by as they will have to repair it and what not (all of that could be handled out of game by the Captain doing that as the PCs are out away from him searching for booty or fighting with rival gangs).

Introduction: You are on Earth. A world that is struggling with the aftermath of nuclear bombs, biological warfare, mutation, spreading disease, and starvation. This is a situation of International magnitude. New ecosystems are constantly being discovered; either a result of toxic waste, biological mutation, or discovered from the gigantic craters now pocking the surface from the multitude of nuclear warheads that assaulted the known world. Earth once had a vast supply of advanced technology. Mankind was even going to colonize other planets that were in entirely different galaxies. That is what started the war. The war known as the WWPD. World Wide Planetary Destruction. Now not much remains of our advanced technology. Nor the people who can maintain, never mind create such marvels. Earth is in a sort of dark age. This dark age has many threats. There are hostile mutants, starvation, radiation sickness, toxic sludge pools the size of lakes, bandits, disease-ridden people spreading plagues, and fanatical cults that have risen around the rarity of advanced technology. These cults revere the various technologies as deities. They hoard advanced technologies and are very aggressive in acquiring said technologies.
What do you think is the best way to survive? Try to help the diseased multitude? Find a far off land and barricade yourself in? Join a tech-cult?
Arrrr!!! It's a pirate's life for all you scurvy dogs! Sail the Great Lakes, pillage what you need, and fight off your competition!
d20 Modern
Sep 29, 2009
Eladrin Professionals
Rules System Used: Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition
Books and Materials Needed: Player's Handbook (book), Dungeon Master's Guide (book), Monster Manual (book), dice set (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), pencil, paper, a dungeon master’s screen
Suggested Extras: Adventurer's Vault (book), Player's Handbook Rogue Power Cards (cards) (1 set for each player), miniatures
Timeline: Fantasy Medieval
Location: Any Fictional Fantasy Realm
Number of Players Suggested: 1 - 4 (This campaign can work well with very few players, even as a solo PC campaign.)
Limitations on Characters: The player characters are starting as an elite Eladrin task force. This task force has a single reoccurring goal: assassinate whoever their superiors assign them to. The PCs work for a secret Eladrin organization that is bent on the supremacy of the Fey. Their targets could range from Human kings, to a powerful Ogre Mage, an ancient Dragon, a fellow Eladrin that is hindering their organization's goals, etc. The PCs must start as an Eladrin and must start as a Rogue. After character creation, the PCs are free to advance their characters as they see fit, different builds and feats, multi-classing, different skills, different primary ability scores, etc. A further requirement is that each PC must be of the Chaotic Evil or Evil alignment.
Monsters and Magic: There are all sorts of monsters and bad dudes in this campaign. Anything is welcome in here. Magic is very prevalent and abundant.
Style of Campaign: Magic is everywhere and monsters are part of every day life. This campaign adds a large twist of espionage to this background. Stealth and "one-hit" kills are the goals of the PCs. It is very important to not get noticed and kill their target. The adventures should have situations that the PCs should have no hopes of defeating; which is why they have to sneak past these. However, much worse than being discovered by these encounters would be failing at their mission. Should they fail to assassinate their target, their organization is not at all forgiving; and to that matter, is also a great fan of torturing those that anger them! It is also advised that the PCs do not frequent local towns more than they have to, and they're organization (which the PCs know little about, but have a contact that is well versed in their matters and always seems to find the PCs) has safe traders that can sell the PCs goods and equipment as well as buy any loot they may have acquired.
Introduction: Soundlessly sliding down from the vaulted ceiling on silken ropes, you and your teammates drop down to the floor with the slightest muffled thud.
Your target is only a dozen or so feet in front of you and seems to have taken notice of your presence. Effortlessly and methodically you all step briefly into the realm of the Fey only to reappear surrounding your mark and one of you guarding the door; listening intently.
Before your target can even change the expression on his face you all strike various vital locations in his body with your slender blades. Catching him as he slumps forwards towards the floor, you lay him down quietly. Now begins your escape...
This is what keeps playing through your mind as you head out to your first mission with your new teammates for your mysterious organization. You've never had a problem killing, but the fact that you can control your emotions and you are very calculated is what got you into this employment. And plus, anything to raise the Eladrin race to the pinnacle you all deserve while stomping on those ugly lower races with your boot heel is just fine with you!
Books and Materials Needed: Player's Handbook (book), Dungeon Master's Guide (book), Monster Manual (book), dice set (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), pencil, paper, a dungeon master’s screen
Suggested Extras: Adventurer's Vault (book), Player's Handbook Rogue Power Cards (cards) (1 set for each player), miniatures
Timeline: Fantasy Medieval
Location: Any Fictional Fantasy Realm
Number of Players Suggested: 1 - 4 (This campaign can work well with very few players, even as a solo PC campaign.)
Limitations on Characters: The player characters are starting as an elite Eladrin task force. This task force has a single reoccurring goal: assassinate whoever their superiors assign them to. The PCs work for a secret Eladrin organization that is bent on the supremacy of the Fey. Their targets could range from Human kings, to a powerful Ogre Mage, an ancient Dragon, a fellow Eladrin that is hindering their organization's goals, etc. The PCs must start as an Eladrin and must start as a Rogue. After character creation, the PCs are free to advance their characters as they see fit, different builds and feats, multi-classing, different skills, different primary ability scores, etc. A further requirement is that each PC must be of the Chaotic Evil or Evil alignment.
Monsters and Magic: There are all sorts of monsters and bad dudes in this campaign. Anything is welcome in here. Magic is very prevalent and abundant.
Style of Campaign: Magic is everywhere and monsters are part of every day life. This campaign adds a large twist of espionage to this background. Stealth and "one-hit" kills are the goals of the PCs. It is very important to not get noticed and kill their target. The adventures should have situations that the PCs should have no hopes of defeating; which is why they have to sneak past these. However, much worse than being discovered by these encounters would be failing at their mission. Should they fail to assassinate their target, their organization is not at all forgiving; and to that matter, is also a great fan of torturing those that anger them! It is also advised that the PCs do not frequent local towns more than they have to, and they're organization (which the PCs know little about, but have a contact that is well versed in their matters and always seems to find the PCs) has safe traders that can sell the PCs goods and equipment as well as buy any loot they may have acquired.
Introduction: Soundlessly sliding down from the vaulted ceiling on silken ropes, you and your teammates drop down to the floor with the slightest muffled thud.
Your target is only a dozen or so feet in front of you and seems to have taken notice of your presence. Effortlessly and methodically you all step briefly into the realm of the Fey only to reappear surrounding your mark and one of you guarding the door; listening intently.
Before your target can even change the expression on his face you all strike various vital locations in his body with your slender blades. Catching him as he slumps forwards towards the floor, you lay him down quietly. Now begins your escape...
This is what keeps playing through your mind as you head out to your first mission with your new teammates for your mysterious organization. You've never had a problem killing, but the fact that you can control your emotions and you are very calculated is what got you into this employment. And plus, anything to raise the Eladrin race to the pinnacle you all deserve while stomping on those ugly lower races with your boot heel is just fine with you!
DandD 4th
Sep 22, 2009
Wild West Outlaws
Rules System Used: d20 Modern
Books and Materials Needed: d20 Modern Roleplaying Game (book), d20 Past (book), dice set (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), pencil, paper, a game master’s screen
Suggested Extras: Wild West movies, miniatures
Timeline: Late 19th Century
Location: Western United States
Number of Players Suggested: 2 - 6 (This campaign can work well with very few players.)
Limitations on Characters: The player characters are starting as outlaw cowboys (cowgirls). Obviously the d20 Past rules for the appropriate time period are going to be used. The status of "outlaw" imposes some limitations on the characters. Player characters will not be welcome in any of the towns (or most anyways) as there will be wanted posters of them hung up, and they are constantly hunted by the law. The characters should have Chaos and Evil as two of their allegiances (it doesn't have to be Evil if you don't want to, but Chaos should stay). The PCs should be outlaws not because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but because they're all 'round bad people. An optional rule to consider that I strongly suggest is to start all the PCs up at level 3 and make them take a feat that increases their reputation bonus as one of their feats. This would depict their outlaw status as well as make it easier for people to recognize them (not always good for the PCS, but it suits the background story). If possible, make everyone start with a horse. This will aid in their survival.
Monsters and Magic: There are no monsters and no magic.
Style of Campaign: This campaign is full of all the cliches of old and modern Wild West movies. The key to the PCs surviving in this campaign is careful travel and ranged combat. Diplomacy with other outlaws is also important as no law abiding folk would entertain your PCs' company. Sneaking around and trying to leave no trace of your movement is important. The PCs should be battling to avoid detection and to find enough food and gear to survive. Should they be detected they should be skilled enough in ranged combat to defend themselves.

Introduction: Waking up under the hot sun next to your horse you look at the rest of your gang as they're still sleeping. What will your weathered and tattered group do today? Maybe you'll go help a rancher build fences or rope cattle. Maybe you'll travel to an outskirts settlement and defend them from no good villainous folk.
Suddenly you hear horses approaching your camp... fast! Slowly turning your head you see the Sheriff from the last town you were in and a posse of men on the horizon. Your horse sees them as well and you can tell by the look in her eyes that she's thinking the same thing. Now you know what you're going to do today...
The same thing you do every day. Kill people, steal, and fight for survival: all in the name of fame, fortune and freedom!
Side Note: Alternatively, the Serenity / Firefly RPG rules could be used for this campaign and the timeline and location could be changed appropriately.
Books and Materials Needed: d20 Modern Roleplaying Game (book), d20 Past (book), dice set (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), pencil, paper, a game master’s screen
Suggested Extras: Wild West movies, miniatures
Timeline: Late 19th Century
Location: Western United States
Number of Players Suggested: 2 - 6 (This campaign can work well with very few players.)
Limitations on Characters: The player characters are starting as outlaw cowboys (cowgirls). Obviously the d20 Past rules for the appropriate time period are going to be used. The status of "outlaw" imposes some limitations on the characters. Player characters will not be welcome in any of the towns (or most anyways) as there will be wanted posters of them hung up, and they are constantly hunted by the law. The characters should have Chaos and Evil as two of their allegiances (it doesn't have to be Evil if you don't want to, but Chaos should stay). The PCs should be outlaws not because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but because they're all 'round bad people. An optional rule to consider that I strongly suggest is to start all the PCs up at level 3 and make them take a feat that increases their reputation bonus as one of their feats. This would depict their outlaw status as well as make it easier for people to recognize them (not always good for the PCS, but it suits the background story). If possible, make everyone start with a horse. This will aid in their survival.
Monsters and Magic: There are no monsters and no magic.
Style of Campaign: This campaign is full of all the cliches of old and modern Wild West movies. The key to the PCs surviving in this campaign is careful travel and ranged combat. Diplomacy with other outlaws is also important as no law abiding folk would entertain your PCs' company. Sneaking around and trying to leave no trace of your movement is important. The PCs should be battling to avoid detection and to find enough food and gear to survive. Should they be detected they should be skilled enough in ranged combat to defend themselves.

Introduction: Waking up under the hot sun next to your horse you look at the rest of your gang as they're still sleeping. What will your weathered and tattered group do today? Maybe you'll go help a rancher build fences or rope cattle. Maybe you'll travel to an outskirts settlement and defend them from no good villainous folk.
Suddenly you hear horses approaching your camp... fast! Slowly turning your head you see the Sheriff from the last town you were in and a posse of men on the horizon. Your horse sees them as well and you can tell by the look in her eyes that she's thinking the same thing. Now you know what you're going to do today...
The same thing you do every day. Kill people, steal, and fight for survival: all in the name of fame, fortune and freedom!
Side Note: Alternatively, the Serenity / Firefly RPG rules could be used for this campaign and the timeline and location could be changed appropriately.
d20 Modern,
Sep 15, 2009
Escape from the Maelstrom
Rules System Used: Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition
Books and Materials Needed: Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook (book), dice set (d6s, scatter, and artillery dice), a d10, pencil, paper, Warhammer 40,000 Templates, an army
Suggested Extras: Warhammer 40,000 Counters, pre-made scenery
Timeline: The 41st Millennium
Location: The Maelstrom
Number of Players Suggested: 10+ (This is a large campaign for Warhammer 40K)
Campaign Introduction: This is a campaign that differs from most in the tabletop wargaming genre. Instead of trying to take over a mapped area, the players are trying to escape from an area! A board with 10 spaces linked to each other by a swirling path is what I used. I used stick on Velcro circles to move the spaces around as the dice shifted them from one spot to another. It worked very well and made for a refreshingly new style of 40K campaign. Check out all the wonderfully long campaigness below!

Preface Story (by Kilroy's Boots): "Shit."
Standing atop a barren windswept hill, he stared across the plains to the star port in the distance. Grit and sand blew into his face, making him bow his head against the wind. Shaking his head, he spoke again,
What was bothering him so much was the sheer idiocy of it all. How many times would he have to do this? And believe me, he thought, it doesn't get any easier. Lifting his head to look up towards the swirling bright purple sky, he thought back to the last time he was in this situation.
At least he understood that time, even if he didn't want to be there. He did what he had to do, and got the fuck out of there.
"Never going back to the west coast, no fucking way," he mumbled to himself. But that wasn't even the first time this had happened to him, no that was reserved for his stint on Broadway. That was a fun time, and you'd think they show a bit more gratitude, considering what he'd done.
This time, however, was a totally different story. After the trip to the west coast, he'd decided to get away from it all and simply escape from Earth. Everything was going perfectly, but like always, someone fucked it all up. He didn't know who it was, but he didn't care, they were dead to him anyway. During his escape from Earth someone had activated a weapon. After all, they couldn't let their best soldier leave, now could they? Somehow, and he wasn't sure how, he was knocked unconscious and his ship was blown off course. The only thing he knew was that when he awoke, he was standing on this planet, his craft destroyed and only his weapon and wits left to get him home.
Seeing the star port, he did the obvious and started towards the structures, perhaps looking for a way off this horrid place. After stumbling across the desolate landscape, he arrived at the star port, now looking for a ride off this rock. He noticed more and more that this place was not the most normal of places, even by his standards. He'd already encountered what could only be described as a humanoid computer that garbled at him when he tried to talk to it. Floating skulls were everywhere, and the buildings looked as though someone from the middle ages was their designer. And they were all in shoddy repair, like the maintenance guys all were fired years ago, and never replaced.
Heading for the most familiar looking structure, the most ship-looking object he could see, he was stopped by a towering tank-like being. Craning upwards, he looked at the thing's face, and was simply stunned by what he saw. There peering downwards was a pale, scar-covered leathery face, punctuated by several metallic studs on his forehead. This thing was hairless, and it seemed to have no neck, but rather a series of tubes and wires supporting it above a gigantic hulking armoured figure.
"What is this place?" He asked.
The giant being replied in what can only be described as a barking voice with spittle flying all around, "The Maelstrom, little man. What's your name? Answer me now!"
"Snake Plissken," he replied.
"I heard you were dead," The giant said.
"And I thought you were taller," quipped Snake, "What are you?"
"I am one of humanity's Angels of Death, an Adeptus Astartes. Our greatest hope for the future. What's your business here?" the giant inquired.
"Same as everywhere else, I guess. Escape from the Maelstrom. You gonna help me, or not?" Snake grumbled.
Planet Information (by Kilroy's Boots): Corvus IV - This is the only inhabited world in a 7 planet system. It is encased in black clouds of ash and other industrial waste from a previous era. There is several large hives, all in varying states of disrepair. The largest, and capital is the Hive Necare.
Acamar - A double star system. This system contains no planets, however has many asteroids in a loose, random orbit around the pair of suns. The pair, named Greater Acamar and Lesser Acamar are both yellow stars, but Greater Acamar is many magnitudes brighter. There is an ancient space station of unknown origins in the system. It is a very interesting location for those wishing to find technological assistance in the Maelstrom.
Suhayl - This system consists of hundreds of tiny planetoids and asteroids orbiting in a belt around a white supergiant. There is, just outside the asteroid belt, a single planet of interest. It is a baked world, offering very little respite for weary travelers or its few inhabitants. However, it does seem to be a nexus of sorts for any psykers that arrive on the planet surface. The origin of this increased psychic activity is unknown, however one theory points to a local mega-fauna sometimes referred to by the local tribes as the Great Makers.
Modicum - This is the name of a small planet in a rather ordinary system. It is a very old system, devoid of any natural occurring metallics. There is a rather extensive system of asteroids, all have been inhabited at some time, or are currently inhabited. Despite its rather unobtrusive nature, it is home to a unique species of xenos. They are small, furry, asymmetrical, and extremely dangerous due to their uncontrollable breeding. They have never attained any form of faster than light travel and the galaxy is safer for it. If a ship is found with any of these aliens on board it is grounds for immediate termination.
Hyperion - A small planet, tectonically dead with no magnetic field and lapis skies. It could be described as an agro-world, and indeed does contain many farms and food depots. But most of its flora and fauna are peculiar and usually deadly, for example the Tesla Trees which are essentially large electricity-spewing trees. However, it is also home to an entirely unique religion. The locals all worship a deity from the far future that has sent its avatar back through time for the purpose of creating as much suffering as possible, in order to lure in and force a confrontation with the Emperor, the man-god from the past. It would be a terrible thing if the avatar were to escape.
Hei - Another multi-planet system. While most of this planet is rather mundane, with several habitable planets and remnants of imperial civilization, there is one item of note here. There is a cyclopean, derelict space station. It is many kilometers long, cylindrical and utterly abandoned. Whatever occurred here is lost to history; however the humans who live in this system call it the Gateway of the Gods.
Gallifrey - This planet is probably the strangest place anyone will ever visit, inside or out of the Maelstrom. The surface is scattered with abandoned buildings, all made of cheap plywood and cardboard. In addition, there seems to be a plethora of old phone booths and ridiculously long knitted scarves. The only threat this planet poses is one of cheap production values.
Mongo - Mongo was inhabited by a number of different cultures, some were quite technologically advanced. However they fell, one by one, under the domination of a vicious tyrant. It was only through the dazzling efforts of a shining hero, that the oppressed were able to throw off the merciless yoke of the tyrant. Strangely, no colour persists on this planet, and all devices that film here are reduced to black and white. Additionally, all flying vehicles or equipment are not able to function properly either and must be assisted through the use of cables and harnesses. No one knows why.
Sark - This planet contains the remnants of a once mighty machine based society. The inhabitants are strangely particular with who they deal with, basing their attitudes towards others entirely upon the predominantly visible colour. Please note: Blue is not to be worn, as they react violently towards individuals who do so. Local hobbies include: Electrified Jai-Alai, Platform Laser Frisbee, and grid-based racing. In addition, no one has found a single window on the planet, but that may be a coincidence.
Terminus - This system contains no planets, a giant blue star, but no other regular celestial bodies of any kind. All that resides here is an immensely large slab of extremely flat, non-reflective material whose dimensions are in the precise ratio 1:4:9. The monolithic object does not have a consistent appearance, changing based upon who is viewing it. There are, however, two features that are consistent, one is a small handle placed half-way down the long edge of the object, and the other is a large, lit sign placed across the short edge of the object. All living or nonliving things entering this system are filled with an unstoppable urge to escape. There is no apparent exit to the system, however, so a mystery remains.
Victory Points: You gain 1 point for every point worth of enemy model you take out in game. For Dark Eldar (as I think they are the only army with something like this) I would give them the points value of the prisoners.
Painted: You get a bonus 250 points upon your first game for having a fully painted and based army with a minimum of 3 colours and some sort of technique involved (highlighting, drybrushing, washes, etc.). If in the course of the campaign you finish your army, but it is after the first game, you get a bonus 100 points.
Sportsman: The player that is voted “most Fun to Play Against” at the end of every week is awarded a bonus 100 points.
Objectives: Killpoints earn you a bonus 100 points per Killpoint; Captured Objectives award you a bonus 250 points per Captured Objective.
Annihilation: Completely wiping out your opponent(s) earns you a bonus 100 points.
Survival: Not losing a single model in a week earns you a bonus 250 points.
Table Quarters: Each table quarter is worth a bonus 100 points.
Board Advances: You can spend 500 points to advance a spot on the Maelstrom Board.
Escaping the Maelstrom: Should you find yourself on the final space on the Maelstrom Board, you can spend 1000 points to exit the Maelstrom and be declared the winner.
Skills: You can purchase a skill for a unit or vehicle that is available to them for the cost of 500 points.
Medic: Models that die in game have to be bought back at the cost of 1 point per point of model cost. Therefore, a model costing 15 points costs 15 points to heal after in game death. You'll never have more than the 1000 points of models you start with.
Alliance: To form an alliance with another player (or players) costs 250 points per player involved. Resulting in a minimum cost of 500 points (you can’t have an alliance by yourself). A 3-way alliance would therefore cost each player involved 750 points.
Breaking Up: Breaking an alliance costs 500 points. If you were part of a 3-way alliance, the other 2 people are now just in an alliance by themselves. (You cannot break an alliance in the same week that you make one.)
Truce: You can make a truce with another player for a set duration of weeks. Making a truce costs 250 points for each person involved. During the duration of weeks, the players involved cannot go against each other.
Breaking a Truce: Should you go against someone you made a truce with (which you can do even though the above entry says you can’t), you will only earn half points on your game where you went against them.
(The list below is for alliances with other armies; you can always ally with your own race.)
Space Marines: Imperial Guard, Witch Hunters, Daemon Hunters, Eldar, Tau Empire, and Chaos Space Marines. (However, should you ally with Chaos Space Marines you are now considered a renegade and follow the Chaos Space Marines alliance list from now on.)
Imperial Guard: Space Marines, Witch Hunters, Daemon Hunters, Eldar, and Tau Empire.
Witch Hunters: Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Daemon Hunters, Eldar, and Tau Empire.
Daemon Hunters: Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Witch Hunters, Eldar, and Tau Empire.
Chaos Space Marines: Chaos Daemons, Orks, Dark Eldar, and Space Marines (see the Space Marine section for special rules regarding this alliance).
Chaos Daemons: Chaos Space Marines, Orks, and Dark Eldar.
Dark Eldar: Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, Orks, and Eldar. (Should you ally with Eldar then you can’t ally with Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, and/or Orks.)
Eldar: Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Daemon Hunters, Witch Hunters, and Dark Eldar. (Should you ally with Dark Eldar then you can’t ally with Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Daemon Hunters, and/or Witch Hunters.)
Tau Empire: Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Daemon Hunters, and Witch Hunters.
Orks: Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, and Dark Eldar.
Tyranids: No one.
Necrons: No one.
• Allied players gang up on other players; if 2 people are allied and either of them attacks another player then that is 2000 points versus 1000 points (keep in mind you must still follow attacking rules).
• Allied players share points; if the total points your side earns is 900 then each player in a 2 person alliance gains 450 points.
Truces can be made between any race(s).
The board will consist of 10 spaces in a spiral where players start on the inside.
You must exit the last spot to win.
At the end of every week (just after healing troops, buying skills, advancing on the board), a D10 will be rolled to select a space. A further D10 will be rolled to select a second space. These two spaces will be sucked into a wormhole and switch places... meaning under the worst circumstances a player on the 10th spot could get sucked back to the first spot; or on the opposite hand, someone on the first spot could get warped to the last spot.
Should the 2 D10 rolls result in the same number, then that planet (space) is temporarily transported to an alternate dimension. While on a space in an alternate dimension, players cannot move from that space. Also, players on the spot just behind the space in the alternate dimension skip right over it should they advance; therefore getting 2 advances for the price of 1.
Immediately after the wormhole is rolled for, players issue attacks. Starting with the player furthest back and working up from there, players issue challenges to other players. Players can not refuse a challenge. If 2 players challenge the same player and those 2 players are not allies then there is a 3-way free for all. You can only challenge another player that is within 2 spaces of you in either direction (resulting in a total challenging umbrella covering 5 spaces; half the board). The only exception to this is if your space was transported to an alternate dimension. In an alternate dimension you cannot attack anyone except players on your own space. You have to issue a challenge if you can. If you cannot issue a challenge (no one within your challenge umbrella) then you do not play next week. The only bonus to this is that every week that goes by like this earns you an extra 250 points (not a single model of yours died during that week).
Right after this players arrange a time to play each other next campaign day. Players who do not show for their scheduled game (for whatever reason) get 0 points and their opponent counts as completely destroying the opposing force (1500 points; rounding army points up to 1000 and adding the 100 point bonus for completely eliminating an enemy, and 400 points for capturing all 4 table quarters). The player who did not show then on the next week either pays 1000 points to heal their entire force or can opt to move back 1 space (since their force wasn't actually destroyed in game).
It is up to the players involved in each game to decide how they will come upon which scenario to play. In the event of a disagreement, the organizer will then decide which scenario the players will play. You are free to choose from the regular ones in the book, roll from the regular ones in the book, and use Planet Strike, whatever. It just has to be current. If you want to play an old scenario just run it by the organizer first.
Infantry Skills
• Street Fighters: If the unit is in cover then its cover save is increased by 1 (to a maximum of 2+).
• Hardened Fighters: The unit may ignore modifiers for Morale checks.
• Steadfast: The unit may attempt to regroup even when under 50%.
• Guerrillas: The unit rolls an extra D6 when moving through difficult terrain.
• Tank Hunters: The unit can reroll 1 armour penetration roll once per turn (this is 1 roll from 1 weapon; ie. 1 die in the case of a lascannon or 2 dice in the case of a melta within short range).
• Seasoned Campaigner: The unit may re-roll failed morale checks (fearless units cannot choose this skill).
• Natural Survivors: If the unit loses an assault and fails its morale check it can re-roll its test to break off.
• Rapid Deployment: If held in reserve, the unit may re-roll its reserve roll.
• Skilled Riders: The unit may re-roll any 1srolled for dangerous terrain tests; however, the second result stands (bikes only).
• Devastating Charge: In the turn that the unit assaults an enemy and wins combat, the enemy suffers an additional -1 modifier to their Leadership.
Vehicle Skills
• Terrifying: The owning player can request that a unit tank shocked by this vehicle re-roll its Morale check (walkers cannot choose this skill).
• Hardened-Crew: You can request that a glancing hit scored against your vehicle be re-rolled.
• Skilled Pilot: The vehicle may re-roll a failed dangerous terrain test.
• Tank Killers: The vehicle can re-roll 1 armour penetration roll once per turn (this is 1 roll from 1 weapon; ie. 1 die in the case of a lascannon or 2 dice in the case of a melta within short range).
• Skilled Gunnery: The vehicle can re-roll failed to hit rolls or may re-roll the scatter dice.
• Fast: The vehicle can add an extra 6” to its movement.
• Ablative Armour: The first penetrating hit the vehicle suffers counts as a glancing hit.
Snake Plissken:
Independent Character
WS: 7 BS: 7 S: 4 T: 4 I: 8 A: 4 W: 4 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+
- Snake's save is invulnerable due to his uncanny agility.
- Eternal Warrior
- Feel no Pain
- Infiltrate
- Stealth
- Stubborn
Weapons: Pistol (S4, AP2, 12”), Rapid Fire Weapon (S4, AP2, 24”), Melta Bombs, Knife
Killing Snake in game is worth a bonus 350 points.
Snake will show up randomly on 1 of the spaces on the board by the roll of a D10. Snake will take part in one of the games of the player(s) that are sharing the same space as Snake.
Snake attacks both (all) sides.
- Snake will target the closest unit within 24".
- Roll a D6. On a 4+ Snake attacks that unit. Snake will always assault if able to.
- If he does not attack the closest unit then target the second closest unit and repeat the 4+ roll.
- Do this until either Snake attacks a unit or there are no units left for him to target.
- Should a unit attack Snake then the above rules are over written by Snake trying to hunt that particular unit down; even if it is an accidental hit from scattering ordnance. If another unit attacks Snake when he is trying to hunt someone down then Snake will hunt down the closest unit first.
- Unless hunting someone down or targeting someone, Snake will move in a random direction indicated by the scatter die to his full movement and run in the shooting phase.
- Snake will only use his pistol if he is in assault range.
- The target roll is before movement. If he is in range with 1 shot up to 24" and not 2 up to 12" then he will not move and only fire 1 shot.

I hope you enjoyed this long and in-depth campaign. A note about frequency: "weekly" is often stated here but obviously, you can change the frequency to suit your needs.
Books and Materials Needed: Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook (book), dice set (d6s, scatter, and artillery dice), a d10, pencil, paper, Warhammer 40,000 Templates, an army
Suggested Extras: Warhammer 40,000 Counters, pre-made scenery
Timeline: The 41st Millennium
Location: The Maelstrom
Number of Players Suggested: 10+ (This is a large campaign for Warhammer 40K)
Campaign Introduction: This is a campaign that differs from most in the tabletop wargaming genre. Instead of trying to take over a mapped area, the players are trying to escape from an area! A board with 10 spaces linked to each other by a swirling path is what I used. I used stick on Velcro circles to move the spaces around as the dice shifted them from one spot to another. It worked very well and made for a refreshingly new style of 40K campaign. Check out all the wonderfully long campaigness below!

Preface Story (by Kilroy's Boots): "Shit."
Standing atop a barren windswept hill, he stared across the plains to the star port in the distance. Grit and sand blew into his face, making him bow his head against the wind. Shaking his head, he spoke again,
What was bothering him so much was the sheer idiocy of it all. How many times would he have to do this? And believe me, he thought, it doesn't get any easier. Lifting his head to look up towards the swirling bright purple sky, he thought back to the last time he was in this situation.
At least he understood that time, even if he didn't want to be there. He did what he had to do, and got the fuck out of there.
"Never going back to the west coast, no fucking way," he mumbled to himself. But that wasn't even the first time this had happened to him, no that was reserved for his stint on Broadway. That was a fun time, and you'd think they show a bit more gratitude, considering what he'd done.
This time, however, was a totally different story. After the trip to the west coast, he'd decided to get away from it all and simply escape from Earth. Everything was going perfectly, but like always, someone fucked it all up. He didn't know who it was, but he didn't care, they were dead to him anyway. During his escape from Earth someone had activated a weapon. After all, they couldn't let their best soldier leave, now could they? Somehow, and he wasn't sure how, he was knocked unconscious and his ship was blown off course. The only thing he knew was that when he awoke, he was standing on this planet, his craft destroyed and only his weapon and wits left to get him home.
Seeing the star port, he did the obvious and started towards the structures, perhaps looking for a way off this horrid place. After stumbling across the desolate landscape, he arrived at the star port, now looking for a ride off this rock. He noticed more and more that this place was not the most normal of places, even by his standards. He'd already encountered what could only be described as a humanoid computer that garbled at him when he tried to talk to it. Floating skulls were everywhere, and the buildings looked as though someone from the middle ages was their designer. And they were all in shoddy repair, like the maintenance guys all were fired years ago, and never replaced.
Heading for the most familiar looking structure, the most ship-looking object he could see, he was stopped by a towering tank-like being. Craning upwards, he looked at the thing's face, and was simply stunned by what he saw. There peering downwards was a pale, scar-covered leathery face, punctuated by several metallic studs on his forehead. This thing was hairless, and it seemed to have no neck, but rather a series of tubes and wires supporting it above a gigantic hulking armoured figure.
"What is this place?" He asked.
The giant being replied in what can only be described as a barking voice with spittle flying all around, "The Maelstrom, little man. What's your name? Answer me now!"
"Snake Plissken," he replied.
"I heard you were dead," The giant said.
"And I thought you were taller," quipped Snake, "What are you?"
"I am one of humanity's Angels of Death, an Adeptus Astartes. Our greatest hope for the future. What's your business here?" the giant inquired.
"Same as everywhere else, I guess. Escape from the Maelstrom. You gonna help me, or not?" Snake grumbled.
Planet Information (by Kilroy's Boots): Corvus IV - This is the only inhabited world in a 7 planet system. It is encased in black clouds of ash and other industrial waste from a previous era. There is several large hives, all in varying states of disrepair. The largest, and capital is the Hive Necare.
Acamar - A double star system. This system contains no planets, however has many asteroids in a loose, random orbit around the pair of suns. The pair, named Greater Acamar and Lesser Acamar are both yellow stars, but Greater Acamar is many magnitudes brighter. There is an ancient space station of unknown origins in the system. It is a very interesting location for those wishing to find technological assistance in the Maelstrom.
Suhayl - This system consists of hundreds of tiny planetoids and asteroids orbiting in a belt around a white supergiant. There is, just outside the asteroid belt, a single planet of interest. It is a baked world, offering very little respite for weary travelers or its few inhabitants. However, it does seem to be a nexus of sorts for any psykers that arrive on the planet surface. The origin of this increased psychic activity is unknown, however one theory points to a local mega-fauna sometimes referred to by the local tribes as the Great Makers.
Modicum - This is the name of a small planet in a rather ordinary system. It is a very old system, devoid of any natural occurring metallics. There is a rather extensive system of asteroids, all have been inhabited at some time, or are currently inhabited. Despite its rather unobtrusive nature, it is home to a unique species of xenos. They are small, furry, asymmetrical, and extremely dangerous due to their uncontrollable breeding. They have never attained any form of faster than light travel and the galaxy is safer for it. If a ship is found with any of these aliens on board it is grounds for immediate termination.
Hyperion - A small planet, tectonically dead with no magnetic field and lapis skies. It could be described as an agro-world, and indeed does contain many farms and food depots. But most of its flora and fauna are peculiar and usually deadly, for example the Tesla Trees which are essentially large electricity-spewing trees. However, it is also home to an entirely unique religion. The locals all worship a deity from the far future that has sent its avatar back through time for the purpose of creating as much suffering as possible, in order to lure in and force a confrontation with the Emperor, the man-god from the past. It would be a terrible thing if the avatar were to escape.
Hei - Another multi-planet system. While most of this planet is rather mundane, with several habitable planets and remnants of imperial civilization, there is one item of note here. There is a cyclopean, derelict space station. It is many kilometers long, cylindrical and utterly abandoned. Whatever occurred here is lost to history; however the humans who live in this system call it the Gateway of the Gods.
Gallifrey - This planet is probably the strangest place anyone will ever visit, inside or out of the Maelstrom. The surface is scattered with abandoned buildings, all made of cheap plywood and cardboard. In addition, there seems to be a plethora of old phone booths and ridiculously long knitted scarves. The only threat this planet poses is one of cheap production values.
Mongo - Mongo was inhabited by a number of different cultures, some were quite technologically advanced. However they fell, one by one, under the domination of a vicious tyrant. It was only through the dazzling efforts of a shining hero, that the oppressed were able to throw off the merciless yoke of the tyrant. Strangely, no colour persists on this planet, and all devices that film here are reduced to black and white. Additionally, all flying vehicles or equipment are not able to function properly either and must be assisted through the use of cables and harnesses. No one knows why.
Sark - This planet contains the remnants of a once mighty machine based society. The inhabitants are strangely particular with who they deal with, basing their attitudes towards others entirely upon the predominantly visible colour. Please note: Blue is not to be worn, as they react violently towards individuals who do so. Local hobbies include: Electrified Jai-Alai, Platform Laser Frisbee, and grid-based racing. In addition, no one has found a single window on the planet, but that may be a coincidence.
Terminus - This system contains no planets, a giant blue star, but no other regular celestial bodies of any kind. All that resides here is an immensely large slab of extremely flat, non-reflective material whose dimensions are in the precise ratio 1:4:9. The monolithic object does not have a consistent appearance, changing based upon who is viewing it. There are, however, two features that are consistent, one is a small handle placed half-way down the long edge of the object, and the other is a large, lit sign placed across the short edge of the object. All living or nonliving things entering this system are filled with an unstoppable urge to escape. There is no apparent exit to the system, however, so a mystery remains.
Victory Points: You gain 1 point for every point worth of enemy model you take out in game. For Dark Eldar (as I think they are the only army with something like this) I would give them the points value of the prisoners.
Painted: You get a bonus 250 points upon your first game for having a fully painted and based army with a minimum of 3 colours and some sort of technique involved (highlighting, drybrushing, washes, etc.). If in the course of the campaign you finish your army, but it is after the first game, you get a bonus 100 points.
Sportsman: The player that is voted “most Fun to Play Against” at the end of every week is awarded a bonus 100 points.
Objectives: Killpoints earn you a bonus 100 points per Killpoint; Captured Objectives award you a bonus 250 points per Captured Objective.
Annihilation: Completely wiping out your opponent(s) earns you a bonus 100 points.
Survival: Not losing a single model in a week earns you a bonus 250 points.
Table Quarters: Each table quarter is worth a bonus 100 points.
Board Advances: You can spend 500 points to advance a spot on the Maelstrom Board.
Escaping the Maelstrom: Should you find yourself on the final space on the Maelstrom Board, you can spend 1000 points to exit the Maelstrom and be declared the winner.
Skills: You can purchase a skill for a unit or vehicle that is available to them for the cost of 500 points.
Medic: Models that die in game have to be bought back at the cost of 1 point per point of model cost. Therefore, a model costing 15 points costs 15 points to heal after in game death. You'll never have more than the 1000 points of models you start with.
Alliance: To form an alliance with another player (or players) costs 250 points per player involved. Resulting in a minimum cost of 500 points (you can’t have an alliance by yourself). A 3-way alliance would therefore cost each player involved 750 points.
Breaking Up: Breaking an alliance costs 500 points. If you were part of a 3-way alliance, the other 2 people are now just in an alliance by themselves. (You cannot break an alliance in the same week that you make one.)
Truce: You can make a truce with another player for a set duration of weeks. Making a truce costs 250 points for each person involved. During the duration of weeks, the players involved cannot go against each other.
Breaking a Truce: Should you go against someone you made a truce with (which you can do even though the above entry says you can’t), you will only earn half points on your game where you went against them.
(The list below is for alliances with other armies; you can always ally with your own race.)
Space Marines: Imperial Guard, Witch Hunters, Daemon Hunters, Eldar, Tau Empire, and Chaos Space Marines. (However, should you ally with Chaos Space Marines you are now considered a renegade and follow the Chaos Space Marines alliance list from now on.)
Imperial Guard: Space Marines, Witch Hunters, Daemon Hunters, Eldar, and Tau Empire.
Witch Hunters: Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Daemon Hunters, Eldar, and Tau Empire.
Daemon Hunters: Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Witch Hunters, Eldar, and Tau Empire.
Chaos Space Marines: Chaos Daemons, Orks, Dark Eldar, and Space Marines (see the Space Marine section for special rules regarding this alliance).
Chaos Daemons: Chaos Space Marines, Orks, and Dark Eldar.
Dark Eldar: Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, Orks, and Eldar. (Should you ally with Eldar then you can’t ally with Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, and/or Orks.)
Eldar: Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Daemon Hunters, Witch Hunters, and Dark Eldar. (Should you ally with Dark Eldar then you can’t ally with Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Daemon Hunters, and/or Witch Hunters.)
Tau Empire: Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Daemon Hunters, and Witch Hunters.
Orks: Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, and Dark Eldar.
Tyranids: No one.
Necrons: No one.
• Allied players gang up on other players; if 2 people are allied and either of them attacks another player then that is 2000 points versus 1000 points (keep in mind you must still follow attacking rules).
• Allied players share points; if the total points your side earns is 900 then each player in a 2 person alliance gains 450 points.
Truces can be made between any race(s).
The board will consist of 10 spaces in a spiral where players start on the inside.
You must exit the last spot to win.
At the end of every week (just after healing troops, buying skills, advancing on the board), a D10 will be rolled to select a space. A further D10 will be rolled to select a second space. These two spaces will be sucked into a wormhole and switch places... meaning under the worst circumstances a player on the 10th spot could get sucked back to the first spot; or on the opposite hand, someone on the first spot could get warped to the last spot.
Should the 2 D10 rolls result in the same number, then that planet (space) is temporarily transported to an alternate dimension. While on a space in an alternate dimension, players cannot move from that space. Also, players on the spot just behind the space in the alternate dimension skip right over it should they advance; therefore getting 2 advances for the price of 1.
Immediately after the wormhole is rolled for, players issue attacks. Starting with the player furthest back and working up from there, players issue challenges to other players. Players can not refuse a challenge. If 2 players challenge the same player and those 2 players are not allies then there is a 3-way free for all. You can only challenge another player that is within 2 spaces of you in either direction (resulting in a total challenging umbrella covering 5 spaces; half the board). The only exception to this is if your space was transported to an alternate dimension. In an alternate dimension you cannot attack anyone except players on your own space. You have to issue a challenge if you can. If you cannot issue a challenge (no one within your challenge umbrella) then you do not play next week. The only bonus to this is that every week that goes by like this earns you an extra 250 points (not a single model of yours died during that week).
Right after this players arrange a time to play each other next campaign day. Players who do not show for their scheduled game (for whatever reason) get 0 points and their opponent counts as completely destroying the opposing force (1500 points; rounding army points up to 1000 and adding the 100 point bonus for completely eliminating an enemy, and 400 points for capturing all 4 table quarters). The player who did not show then on the next week either pays 1000 points to heal their entire force or can opt to move back 1 space (since their force wasn't actually destroyed in game).
It is up to the players involved in each game to decide how they will come upon which scenario to play. In the event of a disagreement, the organizer will then decide which scenario the players will play. You are free to choose from the regular ones in the book, roll from the regular ones in the book, and use Planet Strike, whatever. It just has to be current. If you want to play an old scenario just run it by the organizer first.
Infantry Skills
• Street Fighters: If the unit is in cover then its cover save is increased by 1 (to a maximum of 2+).
• Hardened Fighters: The unit may ignore modifiers for Morale checks.
• Steadfast: The unit may attempt to regroup even when under 50%.
• Guerrillas: The unit rolls an extra D6 when moving through difficult terrain.
• Tank Hunters: The unit can reroll 1 armour penetration roll once per turn (this is 1 roll from 1 weapon; ie. 1 die in the case of a lascannon or 2 dice in the case of a melta within short range).
• Seasoned Campaigner: The unit may re-roll failed morale checks (fearless units cannot choose this skill).
• Natural Survivors: If the unit loses an assault and fails its morale check it can re-roll its test to break off.
• Rapid Deployment: If held in reserve, the unit may re-roll its reserve roll.
• Skilled Riders: The unit may re-roll any 1srolled for dangerous terrain tests; however, the second result stands (bikes only).
• Devastating Charge: In the turn that the unit assaults an enemy and wins combat, the enemy suffers an additional -1 modifier to their Leadership.
Vehicle Skills
• Terrifying: The owning player can request that a unit tank shocked by this vehicle re-roll its Morale check (walkers cannot choose this skill).
• Hardened-Crew: You can request that a glancing hit scored against your vehicle be re-rolled.
• Skilled Pilot: The vehicle may re-roll a failed dangerous terrain test.
• Tank Killers: The vehicle can re-roll 1 armour penetration roll once per turn (this is 1 roll from 1 weapon; ie. 1 die in the case of a lascannon or 2 dice in the case of a melta within short range).
• Skilled Gunnery: The vehicle can re-roll failed to hit rolls or may re-roll the scatter dice.
• Fast: The vehicle can add an extra 6” to its movement.
• Ablative Armour: The first penetrating hit the vehicle suffers counts as a glancing hit.
Snake Plissken:
Independent Character
WS: 7 BS: 7 S: 4 T: 4 I: 8 A: 4 W: 4 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+
- Snake's save is invulnerable due to his uncanny agility.
- Eternal Warrior
- Feel no Pain
- Infiltrate
- Stealth
- Stubborn
Weapons: Pistol (S4, AP2, 12”), Rapid Fire Weapon (S4, AP2, 24”), Melta Bombs, Knife
Killing Snake in game is worth a bonus 350 points.
Snake will show up randomly on 1 of the spaces on the board by the roll of a D10. Snake will take part in one of the games of the player(s) that are sharing the same space as Snake.
Snake attacks both (all) sides.
- Snake will target the closest unit within 24".
- Roll a D6. On a 4+ Snake attacks that unit. Snake will always assault if able to.
- If he does not attack the closest unit then target the second closest unit and repeat the 4+ roll.
- Do this until either Snake attacks a unit or there are no units left for him to target.
- Should a unit attack Snake then the above rules are over written by Snake trying to hunt that particular unit down; even if it is an accidental hit from scattering ordnance. If another unit attacks Snake when he is trying to hunt someone down then Snake will hunt down the closest unit first.
- Unless hunting someone down or targeting someone, Snake will move in a random direction indicated by the scatter die to his full movement and run in the shooting phase.
- Snake will only use his pistol if he is in assault range.
- The target roll is before movement. If he is in range with 1 shot up to 24" and not 2 up to 12" then he will not move and only fire 1 shot.

I hope you enjoyed this long and in-depth campaign. A note about frequency: "weekly" is often stated here but obviously, you can change the frequency to suit your needs.
Warhammer 40K
Sep 11, 2009
Micro-Player Rant
By the topic you might be thinking that I'm going to be talking about really small players; but no, that is not the case. I'm talking about all those players that micromanage (when they're not the manager: DM or GM) your RPG games. This type of player (unless your group is entirely comprised of them and you as DM or GM are one of them) ruins campaigns. They ruin campaigns quicker than the DM/GM shouting, "Because I said so... ok fine, God shot down fifty f#@&ing lightning bolts and you're all f#@&ing dead!!! Now what?!"
Don't you just hate it when you're running an adventure and to keep things flowing at a good pace you omit some useless bogged down rules and one of your players (always the same one every time) says, "Oh, but what about this rule on page 136, paragraph 3, line 13?"
Then you try to explain to them that you don't always need every rule and sometimes some of them get in the way. They never understand though. Oh, and never, EVER forget about a rule. That always prompts this kind of player to immediately point out how you forgot something (usually only after they have calculated to take advantage of you forgetting about it) and then after the situation is over say something like, "A DM that doesn't know the rules; that's funny!"
Actually what's funny would be me planting a d20 up your flared nostril! The problem is, short of shutting down a campaign and never inviting this person again, it is very hard to deal with this.
If the person can handle this kind of confrontation (which most should be able to) I would suggest talking to them about it. Sit them down, without everyone else there, and just explain how their behaviour is getting in the way of the game. Explain that it's nothing against them personally, and you understand that they feel that they're just helping (and you appreciate the intent), but it is really getting in the way of the other players and you doing your job.
If the above does not work, or you know it won't work, I suggest the following:
Kill their character! This is fairly easy and does not shut down the campaign. This of course does not solve the problem if you are playing a campaign where people can just create another character. Might I suggest my favourite: the falling stone block of doom trap, now with bait! Have a crude stone block 10'x10' (really big and heavy) suspended from the ceiling in a 10' wide passage way right infront of a door leading to a room. The trap should be discovered (either have the party's rogue discover it, or make it bloody obvious). Now, in the room beyond this, put an amazing, obviously magical and obviously priceless item in plain sight lit by torches either side of it. Before the party can decide how to disarm the trap, announce that whatever baddies are in your adventure are about to take the Item of Awesome away! Oh no! FYI, this type of player always wants the best of everything and to have the most coinage so they WILL fall for this bait. Announce that anyone wanting to go for the treasure can attempt to jump underneath the stone block with the motion sensor trigger to get the treasure. It should be only the micromanager that jumps. Of course the difficulty to survive this si very hard. They will fail the roll, and they will die. This is enough to kill any character short of immortals. Should they roll something immaculate, you can always fall back on the baddies seeing the adventurers and shutting the door just as the character jumps... headbutt into the door and a stone block falling on his/her head! Problem solved.
Don't you just hate it when you're running an adventure and to keep things flowing at a good pace you omit some useless bogged down rules and one of your players (always the same one every time) says, "Oh, but what about this rule on page 136, paragraph 3, line 13?"
Then you try to explain to them that you don't always need every rule and sometimes some of them get in the way. They never understand though. Oh, and never, EVER forget about a rule. That always prompts this kind of player to immediately point out how you forgot something (usually only after they have calculated to take advantage of you forgetting about it) and then after the situation is over say something like, "A DM that doesn't know the rules; that's funny!"
Actually what's funny would be me planting a d20 up your flared nostril! The problem is, short of shutting down a campaign and never inviting this person again, it is very hard to deal with this.
If the person can handle this kind of confrontation (which most should be able to) I would suggest talking to them about it. Sit them down, without everyone else there, and just explain how their behaviour is getting in the way of the game. Explain that it's nothing against them personally, and you understand that they feel that they're just helping (and you appreciate the intent), but it is really getting in the way of the other players and you doing your job.
If the above does not work, or you know it won't work, I suggest the following:
Kill their character! This is fairly easy and does not shut down the campaign. This of course does not solve the problem if you are playing a campaign where people can just create another character. Might I suggest my favourite: the falling stone block of doom trap, now with bait! Have a crude stone block 10'x10' (really big and heavy) suspended from the ceiling in a 10' wide passage way right infront of a door leading to a room. The trap should be discovered (either have the party's rogue discover it, or make it bloody obvious). Now, in the room beyond this, put an amazing, obviously magical and obviously priceless item in plain sight lit by torches either side of it. Before the party can decide how to disarm the trap, announce that whatever baddies are in your adventure are about to take the Item of Awesome away! Oh no! FYI, this type of player always wants the best of everything and to have the most coinage so they WILL fall for this bait. Announce that anyone wanting to go for the treasure can attempt to jump underneath the stone block with the motion sensor trigger to get the treasure. It should be only the micromanager that jumps. Of course the difficulty to survive this si very hard. They will fail the roll, and they will die. This is enough to kill any character short of immortals. Should they roll something immaculate, you can always fall back on the baddies seeing the adventurers and shutting the door just as the character jumps... headbutt into the door and a stone block falling on his/her head! Problem solved.
Sep 8, 2009
Survival of the Clan
Rules System Used: d20 Modern
Books and Materials Needed: d20 Modern Roleplaying Game (book), d20 Apocalypse (book), dice set (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), pencil, paper, a game master’s screen
Suggested Extras: d20 Weapons Locker (book), miniatures
Timeline: Very Near Future
Location: Northern Ontario
Number of Players Suggested: 4 - 6 (You want at least 4 people for this campaign.)
Rules Modifications: Werewolves do not automatically gain the evil allegiance.
Limitations on Characters: All player characters start as true-blood Werewolves. Start them as their class, and then apply the werewolf template. The Werewolf PCs also have to take the Adventurer occupation (or something similar). All Werewolf PCs only get to purchase basic equipment to start, such as knives, food, clothing, backpacks, etc. No guns, no radios, nothing that would give them a technological advantage. All Werewolves have a starting wealth bonus of only +1. This cannot be increased by any means; windfall, etc. As an option, up to one of the PCs could start as a regular human. This human would be someone that has gained the trust of the Werewolves and is their friend. He/she is their contact to the outside world. This human character gets to start off with their full wealth bonus with an additional +2 and can purchase anything like normal from the equipment list. They also start off at level 2.
Monsters and Magic: The main “super natural creatures” or “monsters” in this campaign are the PCs' Werewolves. There is a low amount of magic available for this campaign, and there is also a small amount of other "monsters". Other Werewolves could be encountered, or vampires, or demons, etc. But these should be rare as the focus should be on the uniqueness of the PCs' Werewolves.
Style of Campaign: This campaign is close combat focused as this is where the Werewolves will shine. There is of course ranged combat as well as a lot of the enemies will have guns, and some of the Werewolves might even acquire them. Everyone will have to hunt for food and scrounge up gear and supplies. There is no more "stores" to go to; at least, not as we know them. Money has no value any more. The bartering rules from the d20 Apocalypse book should be used. The nuclear blasts were not near Northern Ontario, so radiation poisoning should not be an issue (unless you want to include it). This campaign also stresses stealth as the Werewolves do not want to be discovered; well, not until they are very powerful at least! As an interesting twist; if someone is the optional regular human, you could have this character turn on the Werewolves at some point for whatever reason you see fit (to gain protection and payment from a large gang for example).
Introduction: Society has collapsed on itself, wracked by nuclear war. There is conflict over almost everything, but most visibly, over fresh drinking water. There is very little government control anywhere. It has been a major worldwide collapse of modern society as we know it. The world is anarchy in the cities and people are trying to survive any way they can.
You are all part of a small clan of Werewolves that have existed peacefully within the vast wilderness of Northern Ontario for years; preferring the wilder, more feral side of life. Now you find your territory being encroached on more and more as people are trying to escape the anarchy of the big cities. These people are trying to create a new life within the isolation of the forests. Unfortunately not all of these people are people that would let your clan be at peace. Not all of these people are harmless. And you don't know which ones to trust.
What these people have done to their society has now infected yours as well. Will this be the death of your clan?
Books and Materials Needed: d20 Modern Roleplaying Game (book), d20 Apocalypse (book), dice set (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), pencil, paper, a game master’s screen
Suggested Extras: d20 Weapons Locker (book), miniatures
Timeline: Very Near Future
Location: Northern Ontario
Number of Players Suggested: 4 - 6 (You want at least 4 people for this campaign.)
Rules Modifications: Werewolves do not automatically gain the evil allegiance.
Limitations on Characters: All player characters start as true-blood Werewolves. Start them as their class, and then apply the werewolf template. The Werewolf PCs also have to take the Adventurer occupation (or something similar). All Werewolf PCs only get to purchase basic equipment to start, such as knives, food, clothing, backpacks, etc. No guns, no radios, nothing that would give them a technological advantage. All Werewolves have a starting wealth bonus of only +1. This cannot be increased by any means; windfall, etc. As an option, up to one of the PCs could start as a regular human. This human would be someone that has gained the trust of the Werewolves and is their friend. He/she is their contact to the outside world. This human character gets to start off with their full wealth bonus with an additional +2 and can purchase anything like normal from the equipment list. They also start off at level 2.
Monsters and Magic: The main “super natural creatures” or “monsters” in this campaign are the PCs' Werewolves. There is a low amount of magic available for this campaign, and there is also a small amount of other "monsters". Other Werewolves could be encountered, or vampires, or demons, etc. But these should be rare as the focus should be on the uniqueness of the PCs' Werewolves.
Style of Campaign: This campaign is close combat focused as this is where the Werewolves will shine. There is of course ranged combat as well as a lot of the enemies will have guns, and some of the Werewolves might even acquire them. Everyone will have to hunt for food and scrounge up gear and supplies. There is no more "stores" to go to; at least, not as we know them. Money has no value any more. The bartering rules from the d20 Apocalypse book should be used. The nuclear blasts were not near Northern Ontario, so radiation poisoning should not be an issue (unless you want to include it). This campaign also stresses stealth as the Werewolves do not want to be discovered; well, not until they are very powerful at least! As an interesting twist; if someone is the optional regular human, you could have this character turn on the Werewolves at some point for whatever reason you see fit (to gain protection and payment from a large gang for example).
Introduction: Society has collapsed on itself, wracked by nuclear war. There is conflict over almost everything, but most visibly, over fresh drinking water. There is very little government control anywhere. It has been a major worldwide collapse of modern society as we know it. The world is anarchy in the cities and people are trying to survive any way they can.
You are all part of a small clan of Werewolves that have existed peacefully within the vast wilderness of Northern Ontario for years; preferring the wilder, more feral side of life. Now you find your territory being encroached on more and more as people are trying to escape the anarchy of the big cities. These people are trying to create a new life within the isolation of the forests. Unfortunately not all of these people are people that would let your clan be at peace. Not all of these people are harmless. And you don't know which ones to trust.
What these people have done to their society has now infected yours as well. Will this be the death of your clan?
d20 Modern
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